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Retirement 2017 Retirement 2017

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You don’t stop growing in retirement and neither should your money

A longer retirement is the new norm – we’re staying healthy and living longer than ever before. Now, one of the most crucial decisions you have to make is how best to invest your retirement savings to generate an income that lasts a lifetime.

Glacier by Sanlam offers the best of both worlds when you retire – the balance between a guaranteed income with enough market exposure to grow your portfolio. You don’t have to choose one option over the other.

We can help you find the perfect balance between the appropriate level of income, the most suitable portfolio to sustain that income and the prospect that your income can grow with you. Read more about our solutions below or speak to your financial adviser about how to maximise these investment solutions to best suit your needs.

See more about our previous campaigns here: 2015 and 2016.








Sanlam Income with Capital Preservation Plan Income with Capital Preservation PlanSanlam Income with Capital Preservation Plan<p></p><p>Minimum contribution</p><h3>R20 000 lump sum<br></h3><p></p><p>Investment period</p><h3>For the rest of your life<br></h3><p></p><p><strong>Features:​​</strong></p><ul><li>Receive a guaranteed income during retirement for the rest of your life<br></li><li>Provide for your dependents after your death<br></li><li>Increase your income annually by a fixed percentage or inflation.<br></li></ul>Get Information/personal/retirement/retirementincome/Pages/sanlam-income-with-capital-preservation-plan.aspxBlue
Sanlam Income with Capital Preservation Plan Income with Capital Preservation PlanSanlam Income with Capital Preservation Plan<p></p><p>Minimum contribution</p><h3>R20 000 lump sum<br></h3><p></p><p>Investment period</p><h3>For the rest of your life<br></h3><p></p><p><strong>Features:​​</strong></p><ul><li>Receive a guaranteed income during retirement for the rest of your life<br></li><li>Provide for your dependents after your death<br></li><li>Increase your income annually by a fixed percentage or inflation.<br></li></ul>Get Information/personal/retirement/retirementincome/Pages/sanlam-income-with-capital-preservation-plan.aspxBlue
Glacier Investment-linked Living Annuity Investment-linked Living AnnuityThis investment-linked living retirement annuity (ILLA) from Sanlam provides added flexibility to control underlying investments & income drawn.Glacier Investment-Linked Living Annuity<p>Minimum contribution</p><h3>R100 000 lump sum + ad hoc contributions of R15 000</h3><p>Investment Period</p><h3>For the rest of your life</h3>​<b>Features:​</b><ul><li>You can decide how your retirement savings are invested and how much income you take each year</li> </ul>Get Information

The recipe for a happy retirement

What is the most important factor in living a happy retirement? Having enough money is just part of the answer. Your dream retirement is yours to create – it just takes the right ingredients. We spoke to some retirees about their unique recipe for a happy retirement.

Financial security Financial security

Financial security

Financial security isn't about extravagance – it's the comfort of knowing that your savings will last.

"Having money is important for me because I need to maintain my lifestyle."

Good Health Good Health

Good health

Remaining in good physical and mental health means you can enjoy your retirement to the fullest.

"Health is more than wealth, any day."

Staying connected Staying connected

Staying connected

Building networks and rekindling old hobbies or relationships can help ease the transition into retirement.

"There is so much I feel we can do to help in our communities. I'm at my best when I know I've shared the little I have."

Positivity and purpose Positivity and purpose

Positivity and purpose

Be proud of your past accomplishments and look forward to creating new ones.

"I've worked hard, so now I'm enjoying my achievements."

Will your income grow with you?

The new retirement means it’s more important than ever to secure a sustainable retirement income. Find out how we can help you make the most of your retirement.

Contact your financial adviser today.

Sanlam Life Insurance is a licensed financial service provider.
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