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Save on tax while saving for retirement with our flexible retirement annuity. Get access to a wide range of well-researched and well-known underlying investment options. Read more
R100 000 lump sum and then R1000 per month OR No lump sum with compulsory minimum of R2500 R15000 for adhoc investments
You must remain invested until you are at least 55 years old.
You can move your retirement savings to another company’s retirement annuity without any penalties.
You have total freedom to change your underlying investments. There is no charge to make a change, but depending on where you move your money to, initial investment charges may apply.
Access to the widest choice of investments:
When you retire, you must transfer at least two-thirds to an income-generating product such as Investment-linked Living Annuity, our Investment-linked Lifetime Income Plan or a Life Annuity. These aim to provide you with an income for the rest of your retirement.
If you are permanently disabled before you retire, your benefit is paid out to you in the same way as if you had reached retirement (aged 55).
Fees vary per product and your underlying investment. Please speak to your financial planner to make sure you understand which fees you pay and why.
It is important to bear in mind that any investment has some risk. We therefore recommend that you consult a financial planner who can help you find the most appropriate products for your needs and circumstances.