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Investments Investments

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Glacier Investment Solutions

Grow your savings through our wide range of investments that cater for different needs.

You know what you want in life, and you work hard to secure your future and that of your family. So it makes sense to put your money to work too. You can invest in the financial markets to grow your assets – whether it is to pay off debt, save for your children’s education, contribute to your retirement savings, or simply to ensure financial security.

Our range of investment solutions can help you build a secure future for you and your family. Whether you’re investing for capital growth or income generation, aggressively or conservatively, locally or internationally, we have a range of investment options to suit your needs.

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Unit Trusts TrustsGlacier offers the widest range of collective investment funds. The Glacier Cash Option is a cost-effective option for investors looking for a low-risk, cash-type investment.Get access to a wide range of unit trust funds, and grow your assets with an investment that is tailored to your specific needs., /GlacierBannerImages/Unit_trust.jpg?RenditionID=5
Tax-free Investment Plan Investment PlanGlacier by Sanlam enables you to invest tax-free in collective investment funds with the Tax-free Investment Plan, a savings plan to reach your financial goals., /GlacierBannerImages/tax-free-investment-plan-banner.jpg?RenditionID=5Earn tax-free investment income, access your money when you need to, and adjust your portfolio when your needs and risk appetite change.
Investments with Guarantees with GuaranteesGlacier offers various investment solutions with guarantees, including solutions that offer full capital protection on your initial investment amount., /GlacierBannerImages/investments-with-guarantees-banner.jpg?RenditionID=5Invest in any of our secure solutions with guarantees, and receive your full initial investment amount at the end of the five-year investment term.
Investments with a Fixed Term with a Fixed TermGrow your savings with tax-efficient options like the Glacier Vantage Life Plan, the Sanlam Wealth Edge Endowment Plan or the Sanlam Cumulus Investment Plan., /GlacierBannerImages/investments-with-a-fixed-term-banner.jpg?RenditionID=5Grow your savings in a tax-efficient investment that limits access to your funds, thereby increasing the possibility of substantial returns.
International and diversify your investment portfolio, while growing your savings, by investing internationally with the Glacier International Global Life Plan., /GlacierBannerImages/international-investments-banner.jpg?RenditionID=5Expand your investment universe by investing outside the borders of South Africa, and benefit from opportunities that are not available locally.
Stockbroking stockbroking service gives you access to a personal share portfolio managed by an experienced portfolio manager in accordance with your needs. Contact us.Our share trading service gives you cost-efficient access to respected stockbrokers who can manage your share portfolio according to your needs., /GlacierBannerImages/stockbroking-banner.jpg?RenditionID=5

Advice pays off

Speaking to a financial planner could be the best
investment you'll ever make - contact us today.

Contact Glacier

  • English
    +27 21 917 9002
    0860 452 364
    +27 21 917 9000
    0860 452 237
  • or
Glacier Financial Solutions (PTY)LTD is a licensed financial services provider.
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